hey! welcome to my special zone - or, my webbed site! my name is ame and as you can (probably) tell, i like sonic. he's alright. i decided on a whim to create this place after years of witnessing the horrors of socmed. it will change a lot as i rediscover how to code, but i'm excited for the journey. happy to have you along for my passion project!
my last foray into html was during the early 2010s for the sole purpose of making tumblr themes. most tumblr users are dash only these days, so the art of "themeing" has sorta been lost to time. every now and then i'd reminisce on it, yearning to create silly little themes again. you can imagine my excitement, then, when i stumbled across neocities!
there's something incredibly charming about having a space all your own in spite of the current internet. my plan is to treat this site as a sort of digital bedroom. somewhere to rest, to play, to journal and to share my interests! ... & talk to strangers on my computer, of course.
upcoming: optimized css, about page, fanlistings, linksout and more!